USAF Units: 181st Fighter Group US Air Force: Units
181st Fighter Group ANG Hulman Field, Terre Haute, Indiana F-16C/D 'HF' 113th Fighter Squadron

The 113th FS is the group's flying unit, which began converting to F-16C in 1991. The unit was organized in August 1917 and mobilized from January 1941 until November 1943. The squadron received federal recognition as the 113th Fighter Squadron in April 1947 with P-51Ds at Stout Field, and was called to active duty in February 1951. The 113th was returned to state control in November 1952 and moved to Hulman Field in 1954. Transition to F-80Cs coincided with a change to Fighter-Interceptor Squadron status in 1955. One year later the F-86A was assigned before the F-84F arrived in April 1958, changing the squadron's designation to a Tactical Fighter Squadron. While retaining the TFS designation the 113th operated the RF-84F until May 1964, when it reverted to F-84Fs. The 181st TFG was activated in October 1962. F-100Ds were delivered in August 1971 and was the last ANG unit to operate the Super Sabre before converting to F-4Cs in July 1979. The F-4C was replaced by the F-4E in mid-1987.